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Scott Martínez


My name is Scott Martinez, and I am a recent computer science graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a specialization in front-end development. Throughout my academic journey, I developed a strong passion for creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. I have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql and JavaScript, and I continuously stay updated with the latest front-end frameworks and technologies. During my time at the university, I actively sought opportunities to apply my knowledge by working on various web development projects, both individually and as part of a team. These experiences have not only enhanced my technical skills but also nurtured my ability to collaborate effectively and communicate complex ideas to stakeholders. I am highly motivated to bring my expertise in front-end development to contribute to innovative and user-centric solutions that improve the digital experience for end-users. I am excited to embark on a career where I can combine my technical proficiency with my creativity to create compelling and immersive web experiences.

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4 Years of School Experience
In school, I learned an advanced level of object-oriented programming, delved into intricate topics such as memory management, pointers, and user-defined data types. The course also emphasized various aspects, such as reading and writing to files, dynamic arrays, and implementing the principles of object-oriented design, including encapsulation and inheritance. Additionally, we focused on effective planning and testing techniques to ensure robust code. Furthermore, we tackled the optimization of array sorting using various algorithms.

Projects Worked On:
Sorting Arrays & Lists using Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Radix Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, & Heap Sort.
Traversing through binary trees using DFS, BFS, & DAG.
Built a Tic Tac Toe computer game that the user would play against an AI system.

Courses Taken:
Intro & Intermediate C++
Data Structures
Theory of Algorithms
Intro to AI



1 Year of School Experience
Advanced topics of Object-Oriented Programming.
Using algorithms to solve problems, and implement solutions with VS Code to employ objects and classes.
Taught how to use multi-dimensional arrays, methods, error handling, strings, regular expressions, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, generic types, program debugging and testing, database and file processing, event-handling, and graphical user interfaces.

Projects Worked On:
Using an array to print out a list of the best figure skaters from each state.

Courses Taken:
Intro & Intermediate Java



5 Years of School Exerpience
Managing windows, forms, events, & cookies using JavaScript.
Connecting HTML to a database.
Using HTML forms to update, delete, and create new information into the database.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Group Project Recipe Web Application
Workout Routine Creator Web Application
Weather Widget that uses an API
Digital Clock Web Application

Courses Taken:
JavaScript & DHTML
Database Management Systems
Server-Side Scripting
Program Language Concepts
Web Server & UNIX Admin
Software Engineering
Advanced Web App Develement



5 Years of School Exerpience
Creating animations that will occur when an event happens like, when the users mouse hovers over a link or button is clicked.
Loading Animcations.
Modern like Web Application.
Responsive Web Application.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Group Project Recipe Web Application
Workout Routine Creator Web Application
Weather Widget that uses an API
Digital Clock Web Application

Courses Taken:
JavaScript & DHTML
Database Management Systems
Server-Side Scripting
Program Language Concepts
Web Server & UNIX Admin
Software Engineering
Advanced Web App Develement



1 Years of School Exerpience
Creating structured programs that are based on simple algorithms that involve input, output, mathematical operations, decisions, and loops.

Projects Worked On:
Calculator App

Courses Taken:
Intro to Python Programming



1 Years of School Exerpience
Implementing an intrusion detection and incident response system.
System Administrator.
Shell Programming Skills.

Projects Worked On:
Adding programming projects to a file using Linux.
Running FIN_Scan and running the scan with Linux.
Checking to see if files have been updated by another computer without access.

Courses Taken:
Intrusion & Detection
Digital Forensics
Cybersecurity Law
Web Server & UNIX Admin


MySql, MariaDB, & MongoDB

3 Years of School Exerpience
Using MySql to access, create, update, & delete data from a database.
Maintaining databases using PHP.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Group Project Recipe Web Application
Workout Routine Creator Web Application

Courses Taken:
Advanced Web App Development
Web Server & UNIX Admin
Software Engineering
Server-Side Scripting



4 Years of School Exerpience
Creating & managing dynamic web pages, databases, & session tracking.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Group Project Recipe Web Application
Workout Routine Creator Web Application

Courses Taken:
Advanced Web App Development
Web Server & UNIX Admin
Software Engineering
Server-Side Scripting



3 Years of School Exerpience
Using icons and navigations bars designed by Bootstraps.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Group Project Recipe Web Application
Workout Routine Creator Web Application

Courses Taken:
Advanced Web App Development
Software Engineering
Server-Side Scripting



1 Years of School Exerpience
Developing & creating mobile applications.

Projects Worked On:
Temple Run like ios appication

Courses Taken:
1 App Development Course in High School


Adobe Photoshop

5 Years of School Exerpience
Desiging and printing art pieces and designs on to products like tops and bottoms through screen printing.
Editing pictures.

Projects Worked On:
Editing Pictures
Social Media Profile Pictures

Courses Taken:
Design for Digital Media
4 Years of courses in high school & being a Teachers Aid


Adobe Illustrator

5 Years of School Exerpience
Designing Logos.
Desiging and printing art pieces and designs on to products like tops and bottoms through screen printing.

Projects Worked On:
Business Logos
Creating designs to print out on products

Courses Taken:
Design for Digital Media
4 Years of courses in high school & being a Teachers Aid



2.5 Years of School Exerpience
Using JS to work with html when events happen.

Projects Worked On:
Personal front-end portfolio Web Application
Weather Widget that uses an API
Digital Clock Web Application

Courses Taken:
JavaScript & DHTML
Self Teaching



1 Years of School Experience
Using Node.js to connect to databases and to scrape the web.

Projects Worked On:
Web Scraping

Courses Taken:
JavaScript & DHTML
Self Teaching



2 Years of Self Teaching
Leveraging React.js to develop dynamic websites and web applications, incorporating user data storage in both a MySQL server and a Firebase server, and utilizing functions for enhanced functionality.

Projects Worked On:
Movie Insider Website
Packed AI Web Application


Finished Projects

Portfolio Website HTML, CSS, JS, & PHP

This portfolio website serves as a showcase for my personal front-end development endeavors. Explore a curated collection of projects that highlight my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Discover the intersection of creativity and functionality through my work, each project crafted with passion and a commitment to delivering an engaging user experience.

Weather Application using an API HTML, CSS, JS, & PHP

This initiative was developed to empower users with the ability to check local weather conditions through a user-friendly search bar. Leveraging data from an API, this project provides an intuitive platform for users to easily access real-time weather information for a specified location.

Recipe Website HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, & MYSQL

Crafted as a dynamic fusion of a social media platform and a recipe-sharing hub, this web-based application empowers users to create personalized accounts, fostering a vibrant community of culinary enthusiasts. The platform facilitates seamless exploration and discovery of a diverse array of recipes through an interactive 'Discover' page. Developed with a tech stack encompassing HTML, CSS, Node.js, JavaScript, and MySQL, this project showcases my proficiency in building engaging and interactive web experiences.

Login & Registration System HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, & MYSQL

This project aims to facilitate user account management by allowing individuals to seamlessly create an account if they don't already have one. Once registered, users can effortlessly log in to access the website's features and content.


Engineered to offer users seamless access to a vast movie database, this platform empowers users to effortlessly search for any movie through an intuitive search bar. Leveraging the power of APIs, the platform dynamically populates results based on user queries. Developed using cutting-edge technologies including React.js, Node.js, HTML, CSS, and integrated with MySQL, Firebase, and additional APIs, this project showcases my proficiency in creating interactive and data-driven web applications.


This project served as a hands-on exploration of Python Flask, delving into the intricacies of web application development. Leveraging this newfound knowledge, I employed Python to create an interactive chat bot powered by DialoGPT. This AI-driven bot adeptly responds to user messages, showcasing the application of Python Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It demonstrates my dedication to ongoing skill enhancement and innovative web application development.

In Progress Projects


The ultimate travel companion for seamless vacation planning. This innovative project harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to generate personalized packing lists tailored to your specific destination and travel itinerary. Whether you're embarking on a tropical getaway or a city adventure, SmartPackerAI takes the guesswork out of packing, ensuring you have all the essentials you need. Simply input your travel details, and let the intelligent algorithm curate a comprehensive packing list, optimizing your luggage for efficiency and convenience.

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